North Petherton Town Council has announced that applications can now be submitted for the first grant funding round for 23/24. The 2023 /2024 grant fund is the Town Council’s largest ever, standing at over £30,000 and it is hoped that organisations based in the North Petherton Town Council area or providing direct benefit to residents of that area will apply – the grant can be used towards projects, activities, events or service provision.
Applications must be submitted electronically on the Town Council’s official application form which can be downloaded from https://northpethertontowncouncil.gov.uk by noon on 14 April 2023.
Recently the Town Council gave a grant of £9,000 to North Petherton Rugby Club towards a new roof; the attached photo shows the Mayor, Councillor Phillip Spencer, presenting the cheque to the Rugby Club Chair Mr Nick Rees, also in the picture are Sharon Sweet (left) Commercial Director and Tracey Evans, Treasurer.