Members of the North Petherton Trefoil Guild Knit and Natter Group have honoured the memory of the local people who fell in the Second World War in their own inimitable way. They are pictured standing by their display of knitted poppies surrounding the stone that dedicates the Memorial Playing Field in North Petherton to fallen of the Second World War. The Group were responsible for the impressive show of poppies twelve months ago commemorating the end of the First World War,.
The dedication stone itself has recently been cleaned and restored by the Town Council, with help from local business Wallace Stuart, and the North Petherton Playing Fields Trust, which is responsible for the playing field, has agreed a major new development project which will see a range of new facilities being provided to coincide with the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe day next May. Plans include for a colourful central unit consisting of a climbing frame with slide and play panels/tunnels, trampolines, swings, including traditional and basket types, a see-saw, roundabout, overhead rotator and climbing net. A multi-use games area, trim trail and a range of outdoor gym equipment could also be provided, all connected by a cycle track/footpath around the field with surfaced areas at intervals for informal play. Picnic benches, seating, landscaping with flower beds and trees are also recommended together with a recycling station for litter. The iconic wall will be retained and adapted, and a boules pitch created by volunteers as part of a community effort is also planned.