North Petherton Playing Fields Trust is installing new gates at its Memorial Park in North Petherton. Financed by a government funded grant from Sedgemoor Council, new gates and a redesigned entrance area will improve the safety of the access and help to prevent unauthorized use of the park.
Chairman of the Trust, Cllr Linda Hyde said: “With the major enhancements to the park that we are about to undertake, it was important that that we improved the safety arrangements at the main entrance and also made it is as difficult as possible for unauthorized vehicles to access the field.”
Cllr James Barham who has been managing the project, said: “Work on the new gates will take place at the beginning of September when the school holidays have ended. Our aim has been to improve both safety and security whilst ensuring that the entrance fits in with the surrounding area.”
Town Mayor, Cllr Alan Bradford said: “I am especially pleased that we have been able to move quickly on this. Thanks to help from the Williams family of North Newton, we were able to put a temporary barrier in place after a group of travellers occupied the field in the summer. Now we have been able to move rapidly to install a permanent solution. We had a covid compliant meeting on site with our contractor to agree exactly what was needed and that has meant that we have been able to get this done.”
