Plans for new service area
Chris Dadds, from planning consultants JLL, gave members a progress report on proposals to develop 85 acres of land to the East of the motorway near Huntworth to provide a new service area and an industrial estate. Archaeological work was currently taking place and plans were due to be completed and submitted for approval within the next few months. Access to the development would be via a new roundabout and Members were keen to know how this would affect local traffic. It was agreed that Mr Dadds would arrange for the Council to have a site meeting so that the various issues could be explained more easily.
Community Centre Car Parking Changes
The Council had been invited to comment on changes to the Community Centre car park being proposed by the Centre’s committee. Problems were being caused by cars being left in the car park for long periods making it difficult for centre users and shoppers to find spaces. A number plate recognition system was being considered with free parking limited to 2 hours. Councillors were appreciative of the Committees objectives, but pointed out a number of potential practical problems and advised that the public should be fully consulted.
Wilstock Hub
Members were given a presentation on this important local project to provide a new community building and associated services and facilities in Wilstock. Land had been allocated and plans were now at the stage where major funding applications were due to be submitted. Significant financial support from the local council would be a key element of this process. The Council agreed in principle, and subject to a due diligence report from the clerk, to make a contribution of £150,000 to the project.
Civic Service
Members thanked the Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr and Mrs Bradford, for their hard work in organising this year’s Civic Service. The event, which included the awarding of the prestigious Alfred Jewel Awards to people who had made a major contribution to their local community, had taken place in North Newton on 4th November.